How to Buy Modafinil in Ireland

If you’re curious how to buy Modafinil in Ireland, you’ve come to the right place. After realizing that certain vendors don’t ship to the country, we started to look around for the best ways to get your hands on smart drugs in Ireland.

While there isn’t a lot of information available online, we did find out the legal status of Modafinil in Ireland, whether you need a prescription, and online vendors that do ship to the country. Everything an Irishman or woman would need to know about nootropics can be found right here.

P.S: This is not medical information or legal advice. This article is purely informational and should be viewed as entertainment. Always consult a medical professional before consuming any nootropics, like Modafinil. Please read our disclaimer, too. 

Is Modafinil Legal In Ireland?

If you’re wondering if Modafinil is legal in Ireland, you’re not alone. This is a common question. Modafinil, also known by the brand name Provigil, is legal in Ireland.

The catch is you must have a prescription from a doctor to legally obtain Modafinil in the country. According to the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) in Ireland, Provigil is an authorised pharmaceutical drug that is only available to be supplied by a pharmacy (Source).

This means you must go to a doctor and get a prescription for Modafinil in the country. In Ireland,  like most countries, a doctor is only allowed to prescribe Provigil or a generic form of Modafinil if a patient has ailments like:

  • Shift Sleep Disorder
  • Narcolepsy
  • Sleep Apnea

If you cannot prove you have one of these ailments, a registered doctor will not prescribe Modafinil in Ireland.

Do You Need a Prescription For Modafinil in Ireland?

After reading the above, it should be clear. Yes! You technically do need a prescription for Modafinil in Ireland. Without a prescription from a doctor, pharmacies in Ireland will not sell you prescription drugs like Provigil.

While you technically need a prescription, there are ways around this. That’s why I wrote this article. To help people looking to get their hands on the world’s greatest smart drug, Modafinil!

How to Buy Modafinil in Ireland – Online Buyers’ Guide

Luckily, there’s a simple solution. You can buy Modafinil online and have it shipped to Ireland with ease! These days it’s easier than ever to buy Modafinil from a reputable online vendor and have it discreetly shipped to Ireland.

While certain vendors, like Afinil Express and Modafinil Star, cannot ship to Ireland. Others have found ways to ship Modafinil to Ireland in a reliable manner. After searching, I’ve found two fantastic online Modafinil vendors that ship to Ireland with no issues:


ModaPharma actually holds stock in the United Kingdom. That means you can get your hands on Modafinil within 3-7 days, as the U.K. is much closer to Ireland than India.

If you’re in a bind and need to buy Modafinil quickly, then ModaPharma is a great place to start. The shipping to Ireland is almost unbeatable. Plus, these guys offer amazing customer service, Bitcoin discounts, and guaranteed delivery.

You either get your Modafinil from ModaPharma or you get your money back! Plus, ModaPharma offers purity testing on all shipments. This means you’re guaranteed to get your hands on legit Modafinil product.

Overall, this is a great place to start when buying Modafinil online in Ireland.

If you want to buy Modafinil online in Ireland at the cheapest prices possible, then is the place to be.

Seriously, these guys offer great prices, fast shipping, and guaranteed delivery to Ireland. We’ve been more than impressed with BuyMod, especially their customer service. also offers impressive Bitcoin discounts and great return customer coupons.

Overall, another solid Modafinil option for the Irish.


Another great Modafinil vendor throughout Europe is EUfinil. These guys offer some of the fastest shipping times in Europe, with most orders arriving in Ireland within 3-6 days after placing your order.

EUfinil offers a 100% money-back guarantee, too. You either get your Modafinil or you get your money back. You have no risk when ordering from these guys. Plus, their discreet shipping and European address ensure your order flies through customs quicker than ever.

Legal Modafinil Alternative: Gorilla Mind Rush

Finally, if you’re concerned about the legality of buying Modafinil online in Ireland, we’ve found a solid alternative.

Gorilla Mind Rush is the premier over-the-counter Modafinil alternative we’ve found to date. Seriously, if Modafinil is the world’s most popular smart drug for a reason, then this stuff is not far behind.

Gorilla Mind Rush is the only smart drug we’ve ever tried that can compete with Modafinil. If you’re looking for the best Modafinil alternative – just click here.

Modafinil in Ireland: The Ultimate Guide

We hope this guide has helped you buying Modafinil while living or studying in Ireland. Customs can be a little tricky here, but my recommended vendors make things work. They even guarantee the deliveries!

If you have any questions about buying Modafinil online or customs in Ireland, feel free to send an email using the contact form or write a comment below. We look forward to helping you get your hands on smart drugs.

Smart Drugs For Students

About the Author

Smart Drugs For Students

I created Smart Drugs For Students after finding nootropics at the start of my junior year at university. I was a lousy student. But with a little help from smart drugs, I went from dud to stud. Soon, I was acing mid-terms and getting offered paid internships. All because of nootropics. Whether you're a student or just someone looking to improve their life and make more money, smart drugs can help you do just that. That's why I created this site. To show other show to safely and properly benefit from smart drugs.